Welcome - It's Good To See You

Our Vision

“Empowering change through innovative, quality solutions for the growth and flourishing of Israeli society “

About Us:

Founded in 2005, Shoulder to Shoulder is committed to developing social service projects that address the diverse needs within Israeli society. Throughout the year, and especially during emergencies, our organization spearheads numerous initiatives aimed at providing support and creating opportunities for individuals facing life crises. Our efforts are focused on making a tangible impact, helping people break free from the cycle of poverty and achieve lasting change.
We provide personal, long-term support to families, single mothers, and new olim. By building deep connections with each family, we offer various effective methods to facilitate meaningful change. Our goals include achieving financial stability, enhancing mental resilience, entering the job market, and fostering independence. Our holistic support process is dedicated to enhancing the lives of families and couples by addressing various essential aspects of life.

Our approach focuses on four key areas:
1. Quality of Life: We work to improve both the physical and mental environments of families and couples, ensuring they have a safe, healthy, and supportive setting to thrive in.
2. Financial Management: Our team assists in achieving financial stability by helping families balance their budgets, manage debts, and maximize their eligible government benefits.
3. Education: We empower parents through educational programs and create opportunities for children to succeed academically and beyond, fostering a brighter future for the entire family.
4. Employment: We support individuals in entering the workforce, achieving personal fulfilment, and increasing their family's income.
Our process is results-driven, with continuous assessment and goal-setting to ensure concrete progress and lasting impact.

How It All Started?

Yeuda Am-Shalem

Her response would completely change the course of my life: "Yehuda, if you don't come, we will have nothing to eat this Shabbos!"

Shoulder to Shoulder was founded through a deeply personal experience. For three years, I volunteered with an organization that distributed food to families in need. Every Thursday, I would load my car with 4-5 large packages of goods and make my deliveries. One Thursday, due to a family gathering, I was unable to make my usual rounds. That afternoon, I received a phone call from a woman in distress. Through her tears, she asked, “Yehuda, where are you? Aren’t you coming today?”. I explained that, unfortunately, I couldn’t make it that day. Her response would completely change the course of my life: “Yehuda, if you don’t come, we will have nothing to eat this Shabbos”.

Thankfully, I was able to bring the package to this woman the next day. However, that experience taught me an important lesson. Despite the goodwill, energy, and funds invested in helping families in need, this approach ultimately creates dependency on external assistance. The situation doesn’t improve; it merely becomes a permanent state. I realized we need to change our approach.

In recent years, there has been much discussion in Israel about the high rates of poverty.

Since its founding, the state of Israel has achieved tremendous growth in science and technology, education, and medicine. It has reached unprecedented heights of entrepreneurship and innovation, earning international recognition for these accomplishments.

Unfortunately, the same progress has not been seen in the welfare sector. Today, developing solutions to reduce poverty is not a priority. The big question remains: how do we effectively address poverty?

King David wrote in his Psalms, “He secures and raises the needy from suffering” (Psalms 107:41). Our approach to poverty must provide security and empower those in need to rise above their current circumstances. It must offer tools and innovative models to address the root causes of poverty and create lasting solutions.

At Shoulder to Shoulder, we refer to our approach as “the high-tech of charity.” Through innovation and creativity, we aim to enhance the accomplishments of families and contribute to the overall resilience of our society.


We strive to create a new dialogue about poverty. This dialogue encourages society to recognize alternative, more beneficial, and pragmatic solutions to these challenges, ultimately reducing dependence on welfare services.


You can find information about the organization – Financial data, documents,

and general reports by following this link:



Our team:​